Saturday, December 5, 2009

Should I be mad at him?

I passed my road test earlier today, and as planned, I called my boyfriend immediately after. I only got his voicemail, so I left a message. He never called me back, but I later found out from my best friend (who he was performing in a quartet with at a band competition) that he did in fact tell her I passed, but barely showed any positive emotion. Now, obviously when he told her he had probably just heard the message and they were about to perform, so he couldn't have called me right at that moment. However, 8 hours have passed since I left the message, and there still hasn't been a call. As this was a major life event, I am surprised and hurt that a guy who supposedly loves me didn't call to congratulate me on passing, especially since I am older than him by a couple months and he does not yet have a liscense. Should I be mad at him for basically ignoring my message?

Should I be mad at him?the grand theater

Passing your road test is a 'big one' and deserves a big congratulations!!! However, you don't know that he might have something going on in his life that has distracted him. Some people are very good about noticing and 'being there' and other people are absent minded. It's not that they don't care, it's just that, well, they are in a bit of a fog a lot of the time! We have to forgive their absentmindedness and praise them when they remember. They don't do this on purpose, it's just the way they are programmed. Give him another chance. When he says, "Oh, I forgot...great, you passed."..know that he means it. We can nit pick our partners to death and chase them right out of our lives!!

Just think, he could be the type to call you names, even hit you (God forbid) or be cold and uncaring. If he doesn't seem to come from meanness, forgive him this slight. After your hurt has lessened, over time, just in casual conversation, you might tell him that it is important to you that he recognize when something special happens to you. Be sure and let him know how much you appreciate his attention!!! He will love that if it comes from a genuine place!!

Should I be mad at him?soap opera opera theater

its your right as an American
you're beeing wayyyyy too impatient. Maybe (if hes like most guys) he doesnt realize it means so much to you.
is it really THAT big of a deal?
Nah, get in a car and take off and let him wonder where you're at.
He is gay and mental so find another Tom.
nope, guys will forever be stupid and insensitive, don't be surprised if they think the things you find important are silly or dumb, it's just life
I think it's up to you to decide if you are mad at him or not.
No, something else is bothering him, unless he is jealous or something. Wait until he calls you...
He's a pup, probably a little jealous. Go for a ride and forget the loser. Find someone that would want to go for a drive with you.
Yes, you should be mad at him!
why not?

make him beg for mercy!
He expect you to be mad at him, seriously he is jealous or he would be there to congratulate you.oh well he is selfish get use to it cause there is not excuse for his rudness if he loved you he would want to see you at your happiest
yes, he should have showed some concern. talk to him about it. who knows what happened
This is a prime example of the problems of teenage dating. My take on it is that you need to grow up.

You think my wife would fly off the handle if I didn't return a phone call? What kind of a relationship would that make for?
um tough one! he could just be really busy with something and it has just slipped his mind! or hes a bit peeved that he wasnt in your place! maybey your friend is lying? if the obove are not justifyable, then dont text or call him untill he calls you and if he still doesnt say anything, just moan at him, ask him why hes been an ignorant sod!
no because more than likely he got jealous of you. he probably wanted his licence before you. because to him.., it seemed his accomplishment was more important than yours was. my husband didnt really think it was huge when i told him but i didnt get mad i just talked to him about it and he exsplained his emotions and thoughts and i forgave him. i bet its just that.. he wanted his before yours and his success was only his spot light. you have the right to be mad..because he didnt give you the slightest congrats. he said nothing and thats different if he couldnt be open with you with why he didnt congrat you maybe someone else should replace him. because later you will find. that he wont congrat you on the things that matter in your life but may exspect you to only care about his success and that isnt healthy for either of you.
If your boyfriend is not known to you for not showing emotion and acting smug about you passing your drivers test, then don't read too much into it because it does not seem like he would do it on purpose to hurt you. Being in a band of some sort will take lots of time out of your schedule and when you are scheduled to perform it could be awhile before you can think about going home and maybe there were other groups singing so that is probably why he did not call you back, might have gone out with friend and even went straight home to go to bed after a long day and performing. If you are still concerned why don't you ask him why he never called you back.

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