Thursday, December 10, 2009

Am I crazy?? Do I need help? Seriously.?

Since I was a little girl I have constantly had the feeling I am being watched, like in the truman show or something. I remember when I was little I used to perform for the "cameras" I mean I know that obviously I am not really being watched. I also think sometimes that people know what I am thinking. Like I will think wow it must suck to e that ugly and then feel really embarresed that first of all I thought it and second of all because I feel like I just said it aloud and they heard me. Also if I talk about someone I always have the sensation that my cell randomnly dialed them and they are listening to the conversation. This does not really affect my life all that much, like it does not prevent me from doing things because i think I am being watched but at the same time I know it is kind of crazy. Please no rude responses. Honestly do you think I need meds if it does not interfere with my life?

Am I crazy?? Do I need help? Seriously.?listen to opera

No meds. It is your conscience. All of us deal with it. Well most of us anyway. Not talking about the true psycopaths out there. It is something you deal with on your own.

Am I crazy?? Do I need help? Seriously.?concert venue opera theater

Let me guess... you are a young teen right?

I think youare just paranoid and a liittle quirky/strange but not mental.

Perhaps you are just a little immature and need some attention, are you an only child??
your crazy
MEDS! why the hell is it every time somebody has some sort of mild problem they attribute it to mental illness and want to go on meds. Let me tell you something the only people I know that are normal are people I don't know very well.

So NO! you don't need drugs, your not crazy you just have an imagination.

My definition of a crazy person is the naked guy in the middle of the street screwing a dog.
Paranoia can be the result of an over acidic diet. Over acidificatin of body fluids, a result of over acidic diet, irritates the brain and destabilizes the neurotransmitter function, neurotransmitter malfunction causing paranoia, anxiety, of something else along those lines. You are not crazy, you just were never told how diet affects your brain!
your symptoms could range from anxiety to some other issue that should be addressed with your doctor... anxiety is awful and i believe very misunderstood. if it doesnt interfere with your life, then just enjoy life...but i would share my concerns with doc
mayb u r bein wacthed-did u evr think about that?
If it really doesn't interfere with your life, and you realize it isn't rational, then you probably don't need medicine. But, I would keep an eye on the situation if I were you. If you ever start thinking people are REALLY watching you all the time, then you need to see a therapist quickly and get treatment.
I'm not trying to be offensive(forgive me if I am), but just look at the facts instead of your feelings.Does anybody have the power of mindreading, no(although there are some frauds who say they do). I'm not trying to tell you to be ignorant of your feelings but use the common scientific method whenever you have that feeling. Logic reasoning is best in this situation.
Someone is projecting their presence into your space but probably isn't aware of doing this....

Your conclusion is that someone is spying on you, which is wrong and accurate.

It's probably not intended or known to be happening by whoever causes it.

The truth about thoughts is closer to an impersonal and usually uncontrolled disease....

Thoughts are like objects floating around and people bump into them.... then the thought occurs.

This event happens unless the person has presence, in which case they're immune.

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