Saturday, December 5, 2009

My daughter wants to become a model, would anyone suggest this?

My daughter is 7 years old and has recently been asking me if she can be a model, I don't think she could possibly understand how much work it would take and how much of her free time it would take. She is a very beautiful little girl but I don't want her to be exposed to the dissapointment of being turned down or want her childhood to be imposed on. I have let her partisipate in fashion shows and dance recitals so that she can feel extra pretty and have fun performing, but I'm not sure her (or I) would be ready for this step. Are there any moms of child models out there and if so do you have any suggestions??? Thanks to all who try to shed some light on the subject!

My daughter wants to become a model, would anyone suggest this?lyric opera

Oh God she's only 7

give her some time to grow up first

My daughter wants to become a model, would anyone suggest this?imax theater opera theater

ok do NOT bring her into this world yet.....

think about when she is older!!!
My daughter is 9 years old, and has been acting/modeling since she was quite a bit younger. She absolutely LOVES it! It is what you make of it.

If you are in a smaller market, chances are it is not going to take over her life. Even in larger markets, it will not if you do not allow it to do so.

I would ask her why she wants to be a child model. Is it for fame and fortune? Then do not pursue it, because neither are likely. Is it because she likes to perform? Find an avenue for her to do so, then-perhaps the local community theater. In the meantime, start researching agencies, etc. in your area so that you are prepared with some information if she still insists she wants to pursue it in x amount of time (say, the end of the year or whenever you determine).

It is what you make of it. It is no different than dance or gymnastics or any other hobby that a child can have. You can choose how active to be.

Just do your research so that your daughter, and your pocketbook, are safe!
she sounds like a nice girl- honestly, i think it would be fine to go for it. When she asks, let her be in shows, pageants, etc. You're her mom- you decide how mature your child is- if you think she's ready for full-time modeling or maybe just wants a job on the side, fine. But do not, i repeat do not, wait until she's older- you want to get her introduced to the idea at a young age. Also, modeling agencies like children who have had experience, and 6 or 7 is the perfect age to get her introduced into the modeling world.

Only if your child is mature enough, though- if she decides she really likes it when she's older and wants to really pursue a career in it, let her know about the dangers of modeling (pressure, anorexia/bulemia, anxiety) and how to get past those things.

hope this helped :)
Oh, the innocence of youth....................... they really need to be exposed to the 'real' life of a model before making a stupid decision to even think about being one. Their lives are NOT 'glamorous at all!!!

Tell her "once you're over 18 and out on your own - you focus on your education and being a child!"
Do some research online and find several agencys and then apply for them. Send them a few pics of you including smiling, not smiling, head shot, body shot, and make sure they a good pics too. Dont put alot of makeup either and make sure you hair doesnt cover you face. Then include things about you like hair and eye color and weight. Then include contact info. I am currently in the process of this. I hope everything works out for you!

Best of luck!

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