Saturday, December 5, 2009

Who was around to hear God say "Let there be Light"?

Why do we quote God when there is absolutely no way to know what he said?

Why do we document God's actions before any other life ever existed?

If he actually talked to people, you really think he would waste his time revealing what he said when there was nothing there to listen to him?

Why did God say "Let there be Light," anyways? There wasn't anything there to listen to him.

Why did people write the Bible so long after the fact - and is there any chance they misremembered?

While God was instructing everyone on what the Bible should say, do you suppose he could have taken credit for the actions of Mother Nature, Zeus, or Ra?

How come He was so eager to show off his stuff during earlier times of hardship, but now decides not to perform (noticable) miracles when hardship is more prevalent then ever before?

You don't have to answer all of them, but give me something. And don't seriously answer the Ra question, that was a joke.

Who was around to hear God say "Let there be Light"?dream theater

The answer is quite simple. There is no god.

Who was around to hear God say "Let there be Light"?performing arts opera theater

Obviously the energizer bunny had to be there for there to be light. No ??
his roadies. it was during the sound-check.
Chuck Norris, The Flying Spagetti Monster, and the Invisible Pink Unicorn. I think there was a teepot floating around out there too.
There were the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and all the angels at the time of the Creation. They could talk to each other.
Why indeed?
and you know if some people had a brain they would be dangerous
My take on it is that the people of the time were more knowledgeable and accepting of the process of divination. But the metaphorical results of divination were overgeneralized and became doctrine, instead of the methodology being preserved to allow descendents to be guided by their own revelations. Luckily, the methodology is always there within each of us awaiting discovery.
I've always wondered, when God said "let there be light" is that when he created the sun?

What about the other suns in the universe, were they made at the same time?

I'm sorry for answering your question with questions, they are all rhetorical.
One of the best things about YA is that you don't have to answer any of them.

Have a great and glorious day. God be with you.
God did not say anything. His actions were louder than any words. That's just our way of recognizing those actions.

Hope ye are fine,....

Beautifull words you chose to quote "let there be LIght" you know God doesn′t do anything with out purpose.

So what ′s the purpose of God in allowing these words be recorder in the Scriptures but to be seen as an object lesson of Redemption?

You know in the beginnig

--- "1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."

Did ye see it? An object lesson, our life with out our loving God is with out form, and void, etc...

But when we see our great a need and cry out to HIm that is able to ...

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3.15

Take out the seed of Satan and ...

...I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.

27And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. Ezekiel 36.26

So by faith when someone behold his need of the power of God ..

...for it is the power of God unto salvation [ from sin John 8 ] to every one that believeth; .... Romans 1.16

Then look at the lesson contained in Genesis and study it till get the promise

Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. 2 Peter 1.4....

And then by faith which

--So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10.17

The Scriptures student hear "Let there be light"

and thence ...sin shall not have dominion over... [him] Romans 6.14

And then in confidence that one might say with the apostle Paul:

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20

?.?*′¨`*?.??.?*′¨`*?.?May your day be wonderful.?*′¨`*?.??.?*′¨`*?.??

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The joy of seeing souls redeemed, souls eternally saved, is the reward of all that put their feet in the footprints of Him who said, "Follow Me." DA, 523.4

He was in the wilderness in obedience to God, and He would not obtain food by following the suggestions of Satan. In the presence of the witnessing universe, He testified that it is a less calamity to suffer whatever may befall than to depart in any manner from the will of God.Desire of Ages

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Wisdom is smart living, the ability to apply the principles of God to the realities of life
Who was around to hear God say "Let there be Light"?

i dont think anyone was... i'm not really sure i would have to research it... i can't remmeber what comes first or second... it doesn't matter tho.. have you ever cleaned a room or something and started singing or... tried to shoot a piece of trash in the trashcan.. and get it in and say SCOORRE!!!! sometimes you just say things.

Why do we quote God when there is absolutely no way to know what he said?

these phrophets that wrote the bible... did not write there own words. god sent his holy spirit to them. obviously these men were not there when god was creating light.. haha but god let them know that thats what happened.

Why do we document God's actions before any other life ever existed?

i dont know what you mean by 'we' documented it.. but...

god wrote these things down because.. it helps us to understand why we are here, and how we came to be here... he knows that we are curious and our brains love to learn and take in information. he is loving and thats why he tells us how everything works.

If he actually talked to people, you really think he would waste his time revealing what he said when there was nothing there to listen to him?

(i'm not really sure what this quesiton means.. its doesn't make snes.. if people where there... nothing was there to listen to him???)

Why did God say "Let there be Light," anyways? There wasn't anything there to listen to him.

i think you already asked this above.....i dont think he needs a reason.. he just said it?

Why did people write the Bible so long after the fact - and is there any chance they misremembered?

because.. number one... there was no people to record it... number two.. i think it took a while for 'writing words' to even exsist... plus i can't imagine it being easy to write all of this.. they coudn't go to the nearest staples and buy a type writer... or even a pencil and pen... ya know?? god reveals things at the right time for the right reasons. there are things in the bible that we didnt understand years ago and we are getting a clearer understanding every year that passes by... the light is getting brighter!

How come He was so eager to show off his stuff during earlier times of hardship, but now decides not to perform (noticable) miracles when hardship is more prevalent then ever before?

i could write a page full on this.. but i'll try to explain it in easy terms.... right now satan is the ruler of the earth.

in 1914 jesus cleaned the heavens.. he threw satan to the earth and he is not aloud back up in heaven....

hence the "our lord" prayer

"let your will take place in heaven also upon the earth"

his will is nearly fufilled in heaven already...

the reason he is allowing all of this saddness and maddness to go on on the earth right now goes someting a little like this...

say you have a child.. a three year old.. he says to you.. mommy i want to put on my own shoes..

and even tho you know he cant do it... you say.. fine.. do it.

the kid comes to you 5 minuites later with the shoes on the wrong feet and the shoelaces untied...

this is kind of like whats going on in this world today..

satan told jehovah... i can do it by myself.. i can get them to all worship me instead of you... i can make them all turn against you and do what i say...

and jehovah said.. you know what.. go ahead.

satan cant do it... and hes working his hardest right now because he knows he only has a little bit of time left to prove himself.. hes probably getting angry and embarressed as well cuz he cant do it.

just like a little kid woudl do.. they might get mad and frustrated and cry...

if you have more questions please email me!
Man i just want to tell you that i am a big fan of your ideology and your music.

i actually believe that if god existed he would have made the fact of his existence irrefutable by all people, and then since all people know his there, he'd judge each one for his/her deeds in life. like for example the sun; no rational human being would deny its existence. he wouldnt have made it a hard task to believe in him "Leap Of Faith!!!" . and then why is the mere beleif in his existence so important. Shouldn't the emphasize be on the morals and ethics of each individual?

Anyways keep doing what you're doing man, i have great respect for you, peace out

And i know what i said has nothin to do with your questions, but since your greydon square, i had to say anything

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