Saturday, December 5, 2009

A friend of mine claims the following about the Iraq war, please reassure me that it's a comple

A friend of mine recently made the claim that at the outset of the Iraq war hundreds of US attack helicopters deliberately set about performing a massacre of Iraqi civilians in a concerted city-wide campaign in Baghdad.

Now, I told him that this was ridiculous and at the start aerial bombardment and artillery strikes were performed against military installations. Is this not true?

Also, I haven't heard one peep about that alleged incident, and if it did happen, do you imagine that we'd ever hear the end of it?

yes, there was tragic deaths of innocent civilians but every effort was made to minimize these.

But he claims a deliberate slaughter by hundreds of US helicopters against innocents?!

Please just reassure me that I'm not a madman and that my friend has been grossly misinformed.

I pressed him for proof because he said this was shown on CNN and in the newspapers, but he baulked and starting pressing me to prove that it DIDN'T happen!?

How does one argue with this guy?

A friend of mine claims the following about the Iraq war, please reassure me that it's a complete lie?opera music

You dont argue with this guy.. He reminds me of the war haters of us Vietnam Vets who came back to be scorned... No absolutly this did not happen... It would have been all over the front pages.. I mean look what happened to the guards that stacked those naked guys and what was going on at guantanam bay.. IT DID NOT HAPPEN.... and you know it didnt happen cause he wants you to prove it didnt.. Hes a butt head... Grant M in Pennsylvania

A friend of mine claims the following about the Iraq war, please reassure me that it's a complete lie?opera sheet music opera theater

That story is as fake as weapons of mass destruction.
Burp whenever he talks.
Dont argue with him, hes a flaming lunatic and what we out here in the real world call a liberal.
Anythings pessible, bu i really doubt it.
you wasted your time arguing with an idiot if that person cannot list a basis for their clams. He must be a retied cop.

You tell him he's an idiot and to provide prood and stop believing everyhting michael moore and al Qaeda and al jazeera say.

either that or he's a muslim sympothizer and trying to bring you to muhammad.

is he a veteran, was he there?

Does he know people who did that?

other wise, tell him to put up or shut up.
The analysis, an extrapolation based on a relatively small number of documented deaths, indicated that many of the excess deaths have occurred due to aerial attacks by coalition forces, with women and children being frequent victims, wrote the international team of public health researchers making the calculations.

100,000 civilians were killed in iraq 3 years ago.

imagine what that number is now.
send him to bagdad
You will never win this argument. There are people out there that think they always have the right answer to everything because of a personality flaw of some kind, like insecurity or a big ego. I would not put anymore energy into this conversation until he comes up with proof it did happen. We all saw the war live on TV.
I wouldn't argue with him, it would be hard to prove. Maybe he is talking about bush's "Shock and Awe". Big bombing attacks.
You don't you just smile and nod. Then continue on drinking
You can't prove something didn't happen. We all know it didn't happen. Your friend is an idiot. It would STILL be on the news if it had happened. CNN and the other liberal media wouldn't let it go.
How do you argue with a fencepost? You can't. Do a web search. I've never heard of such an incident.
Your friend lives in an alternative universe. Get him to adjust his meds. If such an event happened in March of 2003 they would still have talking heads on all the cable news channels foaming at the mouth about it.
its not true, although they dont do EVERYTHING they can to minimize civilians, but there wouldnt be a "deliberate attack of hundreds of helicopters targeting civilians" although, if they had a specific target and no other option but taking the civilians with it they would.
don't argue, he probrably didn't take his meds...
These kinds of lies are easy to discredit with simple logic. Hundreds of helicopters? That would involve hundreds of crewmen. And not one of them was decent enough to come forward and report it? I'm pretty cynical, but I doubt everybody would keep quite about something that atrocious.
I wouldn't waste my time arguing with him. He has some twisted view of the war in Iraq and really needs to do his own research...he won't believe anything that you present to him.

One of my friends son is just coming home from his second tour over there...and we never heard anything like that at all. The whole war is a waste and a crime...we should be at home taking care of our own. We can only pray that all the men and women over there will be home safe and sound soon.
In war the laws are silent - Latin proverb

"All great truth begin as blasphemies" - G. B. Shaw
Didn't happen. He may have seen the video of the attack of the Iraqi military convoy on the highway?

Sounds like he's willing to believe most anything anti-American.

And it's a tactic that people with weak arguments use--try to make you prove a negative.
It definitely didn't happen!

We are there to help the Iraquis settle their bloody arguments. Bush is a very nice man and would never let anything like that happen. Did you know that in all the wars and fights we have ever used the army in, this is the battle with the least deaths? Many people don't know this and hate the president for it.
One doesn't argue with this guy, one pities him for his limited intelligence. Praise your friend for grasping such a concept, wipe the drool from his mouth, and tell him he may grow up to be a chimney-sweep or skyscraper window-washer if he really sets his sights on moving up in the world, but don't let him near sharp objects, and count his crayons when he finishes practicing his alphabet.
As Viet Nam era B52 pilot, I can say that this never did happen. There are no targets of opportunity. You only fire at those targets that are assigned to you. There are too many people involved with the movement of one airplane or helicopter to keep that secret. The amount of people who know a secret is increased by the square of that number. If it were true by now congress would have hung Bush.

Don't argue with the idiot. Get a new friend.
Your friend might me confusing an attack on "Marsh Arabs" and other Shi'ia by Saddam Hussien, in which helicopters were used to kill 50 to 60 Thousand, after the first Gulf war in 1991.
That story is completely false. CNN is probably the most anti-war media source in the US, and will do anything to be the rebel.

Air strikes by the Air Force, Navy and Army are extremely coordinated to the point that an F16 could drop a JDAM-1000 bomb on a dollar bill lying on the roof of a building.

And additionally, it hasn't ever been attempted in history to put "hundreds" of helicopters out on one mission at the same time, and when they do get sent out on a sortie, they're very precise with their targeting.

"Civilians" probably originated from "unarmed corpses" which probably came from "armed corpses" which was more than likely a branch off from "civilian militants," which is a fancy word for "guerilla," which can almost always be traced to "terrorist."

Those helicopters were probably targeting an ammunition depot, and that informant of yours is probably on morphine, or is being bribed by terrorists.

He should really apply for a liberal media job-

his exaggerations put Michael Moore to shame- and he thinks that Cuba has the best healthcare system in the world!
First and foremost (and don't get me wrong) I am totally against this "thing" in Iraq !!

But, this stuff you are saying was told to you doesn't strike a single bell on ANYTHING that I have read or seen !! And, I do A LOT of research on THIS subject !! Even have some solid contact with websites that go AFTER anything that is off center about ANYTHING over there !!

It damn sure doesn't do the cause against this "war" any good deeds at all to push out false information about anything there --- and anyone thinking that they have to embellish anything or concoct anything to help bolster a negative view of this thing by anyone --- is just simply dead wrong !!

Our fighting men and women are doing their dead level best at what they are having to deal with there given the situation and the circumstances and the lunacies of the policies that they are strapped with --- it is the administration and the military leadership --- the policies themselves that are 180掳 out here !! And, I don't think for a second that any of the fighting forces there would be a party to anything like this without someone coming out later with a "clear your conscience moment" and outting the truth about it !! So, this is extremely doubtful !! Tell him to simply bring up the exact proof that he has -- or shut the hell up !!!!
He is not your friend. Anyone who would spread baseless lies about America is either delusional or unamerican. When you hear anything that hard to believe, don't believe it until you are given a source you can look up. There are so many false stories about our soldiers I can not believe this country is going to survive these radical unamerican idiots.
Next time to encounter this so called friend I believe I would turn around and walk away or get a very big shovel for all the bull he's feeding you.
The US bombarded both military and civillian parts of Iraq, claiming to have evacuated civilliand prior to arial attacks, this of course was untrue. Told by the government to the American people simply to ease their minds....sorry
Sadly he is probably right. Those civilians are just considered collateral damage and their numbers are disregarded.

I've talked to some guys that have come back from Iraq and their stories are scary and brutal. I know we don't like to think of ourselves as the bad guys, but in this case I'm afraid we really are.

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