Saturday, December 5, 2009

A friend suggested the following outrageous story about the Iraq war was a fact, is it?

A friend of mine recently made the claim that at the outset of the Iraq war hundreds of US attack helicopters deliberately set about performing a massacre of Iraqi civilians in a concerted city-wide campaign in Baghdad.

Now, I told him that this was ridiculous and at the start aerial bombardment and artillery strikes were performed against military installations. Is this not true?

Also, I haven't heard one peep about that alleged incident, and if it did happen, do you imagine that we'd ever hear the end of it?

yes, there was tragic deaths of innocent civilians but every effort was made to minimize these.

But he claims a deliberate slaughter by hundreds of US helicopters against innocents?!

Please just reassure me that I'm not a madman and that my friend has been grossly misinformed.

I pressed him for proof because he said this was shown on CNN and in the newspapers, but he baulked and starting pressing me to prove that it DIDN'T happen!?

How does one argue with this guy?

A friend suggested the following outrageous story about the Iraq war was a fact, is it?secure browser

Tell him that the little green man that sits on your left shoulder told you he is a nut ball and make him prove that the little guy is not there.

A friend suggested the following outrageous story about the Iraq war was a fact, is it?home theater opera theater

rogavit- you have got to be kidding. For starters, I don't think that you want to argue with this guy- I think shake your head and cautiously walk away would be more appropriate. As far as his charge goes, it's equally diffcult to prove as it is to disprove something for which there is no evidence, so placing the burden of proof on you is a simple mind game on his part. The truth be known, if such an event were to have occurred, it is a safe bet that all media outlets would still be recycling the story.
The media would have a field day if something like that happened...not to mention the world. There is *no WAY* that is true. Don't bother arguing... that type of person will believe that the sky is green and grass grows blue, if it takes their fancy.
The fact that it was shown on CNN would automatically discredit the story for me. If I don't see a story on Fox news, I don't take it seriously. There are a coupla other sources where I get my news and it's not ABC, NBC, or CBS.

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