Why did Jesus lie to his brothers about going to Jerusalem (John 7:8-10) Did God the Father send a lying spirit, as he did in 1 Kings? Like Father, like Son?
Why did Jesus, by his own admission, break the Sabbath law (John 5:16-18) This puts the lie to the Christian idea that the perfect Jesus fulfilled the whole Law, and therefore was a suitable unblemished sacrifice for our sins.
Why did Jesus say the ruler's daughter was not dead? (Matt 9:18-25; Luke 8:41-56) Either Jesus lied, or he performed no miracle, but the context clearly shows that it was understood to be a miracle.
"I have obeyed my Father's commands, and I remain in his love. In the same way, if you obey my commands, you will remain in my love" (John 15:10 NCV)
Jesus did not break the Sabbath, only the Jewish traditions about it.
Jesus knew that Death was like a sleep in that when one dies, they are only unconscious.
"For the living know that they will die; But the dead know nothing, And they have no more reward, For the memory of them is forgotten." (Ecclesiastes 9: 5 NKJV)
I think that takes care of that question.
Why arent you in bed asleep already?
Because he was Hitler with Schizophrenia.
Whoever said that he was supposed to be perfect?
See, you're the guy who makes us athiests look bad.
CLUE: He did not lie at all.
Jesus was perfect - only unbelievers like you could come up with such questions:
Check out http://www.johnfourteen.com from John 14 in the Bible
Look at "Studies in the Bible" and "Lessons from the Pulpit"
many answers to everyday life can be found there.
I believe that Jesus teachings have been corrupted by humans.
My NIV Bible doesn't portray Jesus as a liar. And neither do the other versions I've read.
dude get over it..
he did not lie..
read it again..
you are just misinformed...
Ah, your the demon worshipping (allah) guy that calls Revelation a "chapter" roflmao. Too funny. Why don't you have Muhammed bend over and kiss his Brown eye?
it doesnt say he is perfect and sinless really. he was human also. he taught by example with many things...it is all how you choose to percieve. without judgement . and with knowing he was human
Show me where He lied.
Jesus didn't lie. He was making a point, that being that He was God sent in the flesh and that He did not have to follow the Law because He was the fulfillment of it.
Why are you asking this anyway? I don't think you want an answer. I think you just want to argue. Please don't do that. We all have a right to believe whatever we want, including you, including people who believe Jesus is the perfect Son of God.
I don't believe in what you say. some vicious person has manipulated the text. Jesus is a perfect man.
You are misinterpreting those scriptures... you can't take one or two verses and prove that Jesus was a liar... you have to consider the entire passage in context... I'm not gonna do your research for you... get ya a good concordance and study it for yourself...
Stop making accusations about things you don't understand...
Jesus Christ was the sabbath you knucklehead ,he gave us rest ,! why do you read the scriptures if you dont believe in them ,are you really that dumb , go to the UFO section and prove them that big foot dont exist , atheist must have the dullest life possible
Do you want a serious answer?? Or are you messing up all these verses on purpose??
Jesus didn't lie just read the verse.
"When His bretheren WERE gone up (WERE is PAST TENSE) They had gone already!! So Jesus didn't go WITH them, He waited until they left... because it wasn't time yet
Jesus DIDN'T break the Sabbath He HEALED on the Sabbath and it was the religious leaders that THOUGHT He was breaking the Sabbath, Jesus showed them what the Sabbath was all about.. it was made FOR man....man wasn't made FOR the Sabbath
And the daughter was NOT dead!! Notice when Paul (one of writers in Bible) refers to people in Christ who are physically dead.. he says they are 'sleeping'. So their heart is stopped and in our sense DEAD, but there spirit is still alive... like a Christian, I am alive eternally now... my body will die, but my spirit never will I am alive forever now!!! And I praise the Lord for that.
Now, go study the Bible, trust Jesus Christ and LEARN. You totally misinterpreted the above verses. This is why the bible says that it is SPIRITUALLY discerned.
Your suppositions are not based on fact.
Jesus came to replace Jewish Laws with His law. Breaking the Sabbath is replaced in that event by showing that humans sare more important than the Law.
I do believe sir you are closed minded to the subject.
he did not go to the feast the way in which his brothers had intended him to go which was to be a liberator against the roman empire because thats what they were look for you fool, his time had not yet come. you will never understand as long as you are blind.as for the girl- we do not have the words for proper translation from the original text - he in essance meant that she was not dead permanantly
The answers to this do not matter because you are only here to mock Jesus.
You must believe that Jesus died for your sins and accept Him, or none of this matters.
In vs. 9 Jesus was said to have remained in Galilee. He decided to leave after the brothers had left. Apparently He wasn't to go with them but alone. Jesus as well reiterated that the sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath. He was breaking the jewish (custom), not the principles of God. He as well understood what death was really about, physical death is not the end for a persons soul, it's but the beginning. He was trying to help those in the rulers family understand life from an eternal perspective.
Jesus never lied, or was even deceptive otherwise His sacrifice would have been useless.
The bible is filled with many contradictions, my friend.
Want to know more? http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/
Happy Trails!
2Co 4:3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
In Christ in Love,
not familiar with the first one, but on the second two:
2) he is doing the fathers work on the fathers day - which would not be breaking the sabbath law as it is set aside for the Father.
3) He told them she is 'not dead only sleeping', but clearly did not mean it literally. If I remember, the crowd laughed at him in disbelief which is what i would assume he wanted in order to show the miracle. Nobody is dead to God as he can do anything.
Do not confuse lying with teaching.
past your bed time . my opion?
he didn't lie in John 7:8 and He knew that the girl was worthy of suvival so he rose her from the dead. and breaking the law......... well he knew it wasn't right and he was the father
like a triangle Father Son Holy Spirit
No, read it again. He told His brothers, "You go up to this feast. I am not yet going to this feast, for my time has not yet fully come. When he had said these things to them, He remained in Galilee. But when His brothers had gone up, then He went also to the feast, not openly, but as it were in secret. He did not say He was not going to the feast. He said, "I am not yet going....". As for the Sabbath, Jesus rebuked the Pharisees because He asked them was it lawful to heal on the Sabbath. Jesus told them which one of you if you had a ox, ***, or sheep fall into the pit on the Sabbath would not pull it out? And a man is more valuable than one of these? Then it is "good" to heal on the Sabbath. Lastly, the ruler's daughter was dead, but remember Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead after 3 or 4 days while still in His grave clothes.
Jesus did not break the law of the sabbath. He broke the tradition of the sabbath. The sabbath was to be set aside as a day dedicated to the Lord. All the things that Jesus did in the first place were dedicated to the Lord, so his actions followed suit. In John 7, Jesus told the disciples that he wasn't yet going, not that he wasn't going at all. I actually had to pull out my greek Bible on this one, good question. The word used is ouk, which means no, but only when used to a direct yes or no question. In this instance he is responding to the the disciples urging him toward going to the feast. He was saying not yet, because the time was not quite right for him to go.
The daughter was not dead, she was sleeping, that's what Jesus said. But that doesn't necessarily just sleeping like a good night's rest. It is very possible the sleeping he was referring to was comatose. In which case yes, she wasn't dead, though she was dead for all intensive purposes, but yes, it was still a miracle.
I hope this helps your question.
I don't think I know where you are coming from in the first question. He did say He wasn't going WITH THEM right THEN (at the same time as they did.) Question two: Read the text. Jesus SAID verbal,spoken, NOT physical. Jesus spoke the healing words to him. Talking doesn't seem to be the same thing as hard labor-work. Question three: In Jesus eyes she was not dead. It is a big deal, impossible, for man to bring a person back to life especially after being dead for that period of time. But, to Jesus it was no problem. For Jesus to bring her back to life was as easy as waking up a person is for us. All it seemed like to Him was waking a sleeping person up.
Read the entirety of the scriptures and take them all in the full context of the Holy Bible. Pay particular attention in this case to the times and seasons of the Biblical feasts and their significance, what they are pointing to and why. Yeshua did not lie, He did not go to be a part of the celebration of the feast with His brothers. He went up(AFTER they had already gone up) and was the fulfillment of not only the feast of Tabernacles, but also the feasts to follow in quick succession. He did not go openly because He knew the wickedness in the hearts of those He came to save and knew that they would attempt to kill Him before the proper time(Passover). No lie there.
Yeshua IS the entire Torah(better translation is Instruction, not Law) and was and is perfect and complete in His fulfillment of it. More importantly in the case of your second misunderstanding of the scriptures, He was and is perfect in His understanding of the Torah and very commonly corrected the religious folk of the day as to their erroneous additions of man's own rules and regulations to His own perfect instruction(leaven in the loaf). He makes it clear that He is Lord over all things, including shabbat, and also that all of Torah, including the instruction to observe the sabbath(shabbat) were given not for His own benefit(what does He Himself need of any of the sacrifices or ceremonies or observances), no, they are for our benefit. To teach and to protect those who will chose to truly call on His Name. It was never His intention for his people to be held in bondage to His instruction, but to be made FREE through them. Free from what really seeks to imprison us, pride and selfishness. Read in Matthew chapter 12, Mark chapter 2, and John chapter 5. Yes, read the chapters to get a better understanding of the true meaning of His words, and not just little blurbs that are easily taken out of context and twisted.
In the case of the daughter of Jairus, you can easily see that Yeshua is relating the death of the mortal body to sleep. . To Him, raising the “dead” was just like waking someone from sleep. Definitely miraculous. This idea is conveyed in many places in the scriptures and makes the point that there IS more to life than your BRIEF time in this body and that those who call on His Name have nothing to fear of “death”. John chapter 11, Acts chapter 13 esp v.36, 1 Corinthians chapter 11 esp v.30, 1 Corinthians chapter 15 esp v. 51, 1 Thessalonians chapter 4. I hope that these words have helped to clarify these questions for anyone who is seeking to really know the Truth and not just trying to make the lies that they want to believe out as though they are true. READ, READ, READ, the scriptures people. The WHOLE picture, not just the pieces you like. And PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, for the Lord to give you understanding. Call out to Him, Yeshua(which translated means “the Salvation of YHVH(Most High God)) Do it earnestly and with humility and He will reveal Himself to you in intimacy and beauty and holiness that will free you and make you completely whole.
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